Vito R
Taekwondo Instructor
- I have botany themed tattoos
- I have an english bulldog named Medusa.
- I have never broken a bone
Hello, my name is Vito Russo and I am a 3rd year psychology student at Hofstra University. As I pursue accolades and milestones in my academic career, I engage in Taekwondo at my local academy as my primary hobby and passion (aside from psychology).
I have been at the World Taekwondo Academy (Port Washington, NY) for 12 years as a student and 7 years as a staff member. My abilities both as a martial artist and a teacher have grown rapidly in the past 3 years. I believe I can bring my passion to Togetherhood, to enrich the lives of children in the NYC community.
After finishing my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend graduate school at any of the APA accredited programs in NY state. My top choice at the moment is CUNY City College. My graduate degree will be a PhD in clinical psychology, a degree that will grant me the ability to follow any current passion in psychology that I find in the future. Whether it be in a hospital, school, or private practice, the options provided to me with a PhD in clinical psychology all entice me.
More details on my application + resume
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Vito R
Taekwondo Instructor