Erik A
Dungeons and Dragons
- I'm an Eagle Scout and have cooked a Thanksgiving Turkey in the Woods. In a Cardboard Box.
- I'm a member of Actor's Equity and have had roles Off-Broadway
- I love biking to school with my children every day the weather cooperates, and some of the days that it doesn't.
I've been running D&D games since the last century, and have been running my own company, Dungeons on the Go, since September of 2018. I love communal storytelling and giving folks a chance to jump in and play a game that has made an incredible impact on me and so many others over the years.
I use the storytelling aspects of the game to introduce the mechanics, allowing the dice and stats to support the creative narrative. I also employ safety tools like Lines and Veils to make sure that eveyrone at the table is able to have a fun and safe experience. I welcome all players to the table and make space for everyone to have a seat and a say in the story.
I have run all kinds of games for all kinds of players, from a bunch of 8 year old novices to the hardened grognards pushing into their 70's. My goal is to make learning the complex (and sometimes silly) rules less of a slog and more of a way to get into the action.
Everyone has a story to tell, some just get to do it with dice.
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Erik A
Dungeons and Dragons
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