Reilly T
- I have a dog named Moody. He is named after Mad Eye Moody from Harry Potter. (HP FAN!!)
- I have the same birthday as Jackie Chan!
- My favorite holiday is Groundhog Day
I’m a long time volleyball player and have been teaching on and off since I was in high school. I grew up coaching younger volleyball teams at my travel league and while doing that, built a community of players on and off the court. I was the team captain my senior year of high school and was on JV my freshman year and Varsity until I graduated. I played club and inter-mural in college while attending film school. Since moving to Brooklyn, I’ve enjoyed played at Prospect park with friends or at Rockaway. I’ve only started playing beach but it’s been a great learning experience. Volleyball has taught me many life lessons outside of playing the game. It taught me communication with others, trusting my teammates, shaking off a mistake quickly, and always have fun even if you’re losing. I also learned that not one person can make a team successful. It’s the team that works together that will be much stronger.
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