Pascal Y
Screen Acting. Improv
- I fell into acting by accident in 2009
- In my youth, I made some of my teachers cry
- I was a farmer once
I am a French Native based in NYC.
When people ask me what I do I say I am a storyteller.
Acting is one side of it but I also told "stories" with music (I was a professional musician for over 20 years), and painting (winner of the prestigious "Concours General" at the age of 16!)
I have taught fine arts and music to children 6-12
I have never taught acting before.
I myself never went to school for acting. I fell into it by accident and went at it with everything I had (In the first 2 years alone I shot over 150 projects...)
I learnt empirically in front of the camera.
I believe it gives me a greater "flexibility" because I don't have to go through a specific "process" to act. I adapt quickly. I am equally comfortable with Drama, Action (over 40 years of Martial Arts experience), and Comedy.
Why do I want to teach? Who do I want to teach?
It's been a dream of mine to teach underprivileged kids and young adults. To be honest, I am not sure why. Perhaps it is because I myself grew up underprivileged in housing projects outside Paris or perhaps it is because people have helped me along the way and I feel it is time for me to give back.
My approach to teaching is not traditional. I don't follow a set curriculum. I let the student dictate where we go. I have enough "tools in my tool-bag" to adapt. Everyone is different. I didn't like school growing up. It was everything but fun. I believe everything should be approached with playfulness. If you are not having fun doing it, what is the point?
George Bernard Shaw said: “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” And I agree with him 100%. Sadly, there are many teachers out there that fit that description, I have met a few of them.
Well, to that point, my acting career is going well, and I am not looking for a side gig to supplement income.
I want to make a difference.
As a working actor, my schedule is always in flux. I am available any day/time of the week except when filming
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Pascal Y
Screen Acting. Improv