Max H
Dungeon Master, Tabletop Roleplaying Games
- Made a D&D Educational Podcast!
- Loves baking, photography, and drawing!
- Am learning to play mandolin!
Hi there! My name is Max Hendrix. I am an experienced Dungeon Master and educator.
Being able to bring Dungeons and Dragons to new players is very important to me because I believe that it is useful in connecting to and helping children grow as people. I find that employing imaginative play is a helpful tool in engaging with children. This means giving children the space to role-play things that interest them. It can also be used to teach them practical skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving, and can be a positive creative outlet.
Youth outreach has always been part of my life. I was the only kid at my mom's church growing up, and I often felt alone. When younger kids came to the church, I wanted to look after them and began to help in our nursery and morning classes. I continued caring for kids as I spent years babysitting and volunteering at my local Kids Club. As I came to love the game Dungeons and Dragons, I saw that it was a great way of having fun with friends and a good way to express myself. I want to be able to give that same experience to kids, to build community through D&D and make a welcoming space for new and seasoned players.
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Max H
Dungeon Master, Tabletop Roleplaying Games
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