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Duane C

Martial Art instructor

Say Hi
  • A member of Alpha Phi Alpha Frat. Inc
  • Authored an independent published book, "Toy Soldiers"
  • Inducted into the Action Martial Art Hall of Fame 2x

Greetings! My name is Duane Christian, and I am sending my resume in hopes of obtaining a position as martial art instructor within your organization. I am looking to relocate to a diverse district. As you can see from my resume, I have a strong background in working with diverse students. I have always been a strong advocate for cultural responsiveness and equity for all students. Currently, I am an elementary principal in an elementary school in Rockland Co. Though my teaching experience is on the secondary level, my administrative experience has been on the secondary and elementary levels. It is with this experience and knowledge; I can lead educators as they prepare themselves to lead students for the next level of lifelong learning.

In my spare time, I enjoy my service as a Martial Art Instructor. It makes me proud to see my students grow into model citizens as they take their passion and make it a way of life. I’ve been an instructor since 2006 and I produced eight black belts so far. Four of the black belts have went on to go college. I also like to write short stories in the hope of becoming a successful independent writer. Now that I have completed my doctorate, I am looking forward to using my research to make the learning of students more rewarding.

Currently, I am living in Elmsford with my family and enjoying life as a husband and father.

I hope you feel I am qualified for an interview. I am available at your request. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Duane Christian


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Duane C

Martial Art instructor

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